Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Chemtrix to exhibit at Chemspec Europe, booth B33

Chemspec Europe
Chemtrix BV will be exhibiting at Chemspec Europe, this year held in Budapest, Hungary on June 18 - 19. At Chemspec, they will exhibit their complete product portfolio ranging from small scale method development systems to tonne-scale industrial continuous manufacturing reactors. Concerning industrial continuous manufacturing, the Plantrix MR500 reactor will be displayed for discussion and evaluation. Visit them to know about the service offerings and to know how these technologies could be introduced in your company or department.

Chemtrix will be present in Hall G, booth B33. If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss Flow Chemistry in general or to have a discussion about how our products could fit your needs, please contact Gijs van der Zanden at g.vanderzanden@chemtrix.com or contact Vijay Kirpalani at vk@pi-inc.co

Note: Free entrance tickets are available.