Friday, 16 May 2014

ChemtriX BV participates in the International Symposium on “Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals” 20th- 21st May 2014, CMAC & MIT, USA

Janet Woodcock, Head of CDER at the FDA, had asked to set up a symposium on making “continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing” a reality.

Chemtrix BV will address the symposium to contribute to the adoption of this technology in Pharmaceutical Manufacture.

More Information:

The symposium will bring together pharmaceutical company end users, suppliers, regulators and academics to look at accelerating adoption of continuous manufacturing for both small molecules and biologic products and how research groups, globally, might collaborate more to help drive this.

This is an enormous opportunity to guide the way in which new technologies and new approaches in the pharmaceutical industry can transform quality, cost and service for the benefit of the patient.