Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Symposium 'Waste not want not, profit from sustainable chemistry' at Chemspec Europe 2014

June 18 - 19, Budapest, Hungary

The two day international RSC Symposium organised in association with Chemistry Innovation and the Green Chemistry Network will be held on the Exhibition Floor at the 2014 Chemspec Europe and Chemsource Exhibitions organised by Quartz Business Media. It will address the challenges facing small scale businesses in minimising waste and operating at a profit using sustainable chemistry. Innovative developments in this field will be highlighted.

Chemtrix's CEO, Dr. Charlotte Wiles will be present at this symposium. The theme of the presentation is: 'Opportunities for the development of sustainable production processes'. The presentation will demonstrate through a selection of Customer case studies the advantages that can be leveraged through the use of continuous flow reactor technology including control of hazardous processes, small-footprint systems, low material consumption for process development and on-site local production. The presentation will take place on June 18, 12:00 hrs in the RSC Pavilion in Hall G, accross the Chemtrix booth (B33).