Friday, 11 July 2014

Vapourtec E-Series UV-150 Photochemical reactor features at International Symposium

The Vapourtec E-Series easy-Medchem + UV-150 Photochemical reactor features at International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis ( ISHC XIX ) in Ottawa, Canada

Presence at International Symposium in Ottawa, Canada

Andrew Mansfield, Sales & Application Specialist with Suffolk-based flow chemistry engineering firm Vapourtec, presented a talk about photochemistry at the Dial-a-Molecule Annual Meeting (Uni of Birmingham 9-10 July).

Andrew’s presentation, which took place at 10 AM on Thursday 10th July, focused on the latest addition to the field of photochemistry technology; the UV-150 photochemical reactor designed and manufactured by Vapourtec and launched earlier this year.

Vapourtec E-series UV-150 Photochemical reactor model